Tim Hortons Warm Wishes

by - 4:54 AM

Tim Hortons became close to my heart specially when I became  a beneficiary  of Tim Horton's Warm Wishes campaign last December. It was such a wonder experience that I will never forget. My Blogger friend Cie Cisneros and Roselle Toledo made me feel the warm wishes with the help of Tim Hortons.

The mission of the warm wishes is to make somebody happy, it can be a relative,  friend. And this is something that we the beneficiary really appreciate.

2018 was such a year full of trial for me and my family which just ended this year. My friend Cie and Roselle felt the pain I've been through and felt I needed something to make me smile and take a pause from all of it.  The warm wishes event made me feel the love from my friends. This simple wish made an impact to me. So I want to thank Tim Hortons,  and my friends for the gifts and gift of friendship

 It was This was the video of warm wishes. #warmwishes



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