Start the year with a Prayer

by - 7:33 PM

Holiday season is over and all of us were exhausted because of the different activities we had before the year end. Most of us gained weight as expected.

But after all the happenings and feeding our physical body we must also think about nourishing our spiritual body. Let us start the year by lifting our family members, friends, career and health to the Lord.

In our church we always have a 1week prayer and fasting activity which let
us come before God and pray for different concerns. It is something all of us look forward every start of the year.

Starting the year with prayer is letting the Lord take over your life and your decision. 

Even in our homeschooling we see to it that all the activities we will join this year will help enhance our homeschooling and knowledge. As a mom I see to it that i'll be a good model to my daughter since i am the teacher.i am not perfect but the Lord is helping me to change my character. Lifting up every area in prayers. May this year be filled with blessings and wisdom to our family and to you also.

"...all things have been createf through Hin and for Him." Colossians 1:16b

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  1. Great post! Happy New Year! :)

  2. We have the same in our church. We've had some breakthroughs too as a family. But most importantly, it resets us to the right perspective for the year ahead. :)
